Academic tourism, analysis and perspectives in Cuba, as part of the new tourism development offers.

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Wendy Núñez Pérez


The tourism as activity economic gets more and more importance at world level, in each one of their modalities giving passes to the satisfaction of each one of the necessities of the clients. Among those modalities is the Academic Tourism, which allows the diffusion of knowledge and professional practices as well as the knowledge of the means in that is developed, serving as silent salesperson of the destination. Cuba has been strengthening little by little this modality, having university headquarters of excellence along the whole island, and taking advantage of the spaces of international exchange to promote the main courses.  It interests in this investigative work to approach the tourism related with the academy, with the formation of people in an or another matter, since every time is more the number of students that travel in search of knowledge, new cultures, new spreading sources but with educational character. It interests to know to this modality in an integrated way, their main agents, and strategies to carry out for their development.


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How to Cite
Núñez Pérez, W. (2022). Academic tourism, analysis and perspectives in Cuba, as part of the new tourism development offers . AlfaPublicaciones, 4(2.1), 130–151.