Alfa Publicaciones

Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): Software Educativo

Published: 2024-10-05

IncluMove 1.0: inclusive educational software for the development of gross motor skills of students with ASD in physical education

Introduction. The development of gross motor skills in students with ASD is a challenge in education, crucial for their autonomy. Educational software emerges as a solution to improve these skills and promote inclusion. Objective. To analyze the effectiveness of the educational software IncluMove 1.0 designed as an inclusive tool for the development of gross motor skills in students with ASD. Methodology. The study was developed using a quantitative approach of pre-experimental design, with an applicative-explanatory scope. A sample of 10 students was selected, one of them with a diagnosis of ASD. The Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2) was applied to assess motor development before and after a 16-week intervention using IncluMove 1.0 software. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical tests in the SPSS 26 statistical package. Results. Significant improvements in gross motor development in the students, both in those with ASD and in their peers without ASD. In particular, the student with ASD showed an improvement in the gross motor coefficient (CMG), going from a poor level to an average level after the intervention. In the general group, improvements were observed in all the parameters evaluated, with statistically significant differences at a level of P≤0.05, evidencing the effectiveness of the IncluMove 1.0 software. Conclusion. IncluMove 1.0 educational software proved to be an effective tool to improve gross motor development in students with ASD, contributing to their inclusion in the school environment. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Inclusive education. Type of study: Original articles.

Cristian David Llantuy Proano, Elsa Gabriela Yunga Yunga , Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Use of learning landscapes as resources for teaching spelling rules to upper elementary school students

Introduction. Teaching spelling rules is a challenge for teachers and students. However, mastering spelling is crucial for effective communication. Writing clearly, accurately and coherently is essential for academic and professional success. At the Ascázubi Educational Unit, students have significant spelling problems. Therefore, it is crucial to use strategies that attract and maintain interest, such as learning landscapes. Learning landscapes combine Bloom's taxonomy with multiple intelligences and are enriched with other methodologies to achieve more motivating and meaningful learning. Objective. The present research aimed to measure the impact of the use of learning landscapes as a resource for teaching spelling rules in upper elementary school students. Methodology. To develop this research, a mixed approach integrating qualitative and quantitative data was used to measure the impact of the landscape on the use of punctuation marks. The research design is pre-experimental and allowed evaluating the effect of the learning landscape before and after its implementation. Data analysis was performed using statistical techniques with Student's t-test. We worked with the 25 students of the ninth year parallel "E" and 3 teachers of Language and Literature. Results. The results reinforce the effectiveness of learning landscapes as a resource in teaching spelling rules, with a significant improvement of 2.24 points. Conclusion. The use of learning landscapes demonstrates that they foster motivation, collaborative work, improve comprehension, retention and application of spelling rules.

Ana Rocío Reza Ríos , Elías Ignacio Paucar Huertas, Mariela Tapia Leon, Virginia Sánchez Andrade


Identification of irregular antibodies and their prevalence in transfused patients in the zonal fractionation center of the province of El Oro, 2022-2023

Introduction: The identification of Irregular Antibodies (AI) is a vitally important process for any blood sample that requires a transfusion. For this reason, pre-transfusion tests such as ABO, Rh classification and cross-matching are recommended. Objective: To identify the prevalence of AI in transfused patients from the zonal fractionation center of the province of El Oro, 2022-2023. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective, non-experimental, analytical, and cross-sectional study was conducted. For tracking, the ID-card Liss/coombs card with 6 microtubes containing anti-IgG and anti-C3d within the gel and the ID-Diacell I-II-III reagent were used. In addition, the panel of 11 cells and phenotypes of the Rh factor (anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e, and anti-K) from the same commercial house were used for identification. Results: The prevalent antibody was anti-E with 16 cases (28.6%), having a higher frequency in females (62.5%) and in patients over 45 years of age (21.5%). Conclusion: The prevalence of AI in transfused patients from the fractionate center of the province of El Oro is like that reported in other articles. Knowing the AI ​​identification allows for the correct phenotyping of the Rh system in a routine manner and thus decrease the risk of adverse reactions associated with transfusions.

William Arturo Calderón Morán, Enmanuel Isidoro Guerrero Quiroz


System of recreational activities adapted for the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in physical education

Introduction. Including students with hearing disabilities in Physical Education classes implies adapting both the teaching methodologies and the activities to be developed in the class; this represents a pedagogical and didactic challenge. Objective. To develop a system of adapted recreational activities that favor the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in Physical Education classes. Methodology. The research followed a non- experimental design with a qualitative approach, of a descriptive nature, supported by theoretical and empirical methods and techniques such as observation and interviews; for its development, three stages were established: diagnosis, design, and validation. The sample was non-probabilistic and intentional; it was made up of 8 students, of which two cases with hearing disabilities belonging to the María Manuela Domínguez de Espejo y Aldaz Specialized Educational Unit in the City of Guayaquil were selected as the analysis unit. Results. 1. The difficulties that Physical Education teachers have in managing the process of inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in the classroom were evidenced. 2. The need to develop adapted recreational activities to favor the process of inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in Physical Education classes was confirmed. 3. A system of adapted recreational activities is provided for the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in Physical Education classes. Conclusions. The proposed system of adapted, recreational activities, given their structure and components, favors the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities in Physical Education classes, which is the object of study, contributing to the improvement of their motor performance.

Alfonso Gabriel Valero Arreaga, Néstor Enrique Santana Quinto, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Effect of chemical and biological nematicide plus pseudostem colostrum for nematode management in banana crop

Introduction. Some research indicates that pseudostem colostrum, together with chemical and biological products, performs an effective action against the attack of R. similis and H. multicinctus in banana crops. Objective. To evaluate the nematicidal effect with chemical and biological components plus pseudostem colostrum for the management of R. similis and H. multicinctus. Methodology. Using a completely randomized block design, with a total of 8 treatments (P. fluorescens + colostrum) (B. subtilis + colostrum) (Abamectina + Tiametoxam + colostrum) (P. fluorescens + B. subtillis) (P. fluorescens) (B. subtillis) (Abamectina + Tiametoxam) and Witness, with three repetitions each. Results. Subsequently, the ANOVA was performed to compare the means of the variables using the Tukey test (p0.05). According to the analysis, it was evident that the best treatment in reducing R. similis in the soil and roots was T6 B. subtilis, reporting a reduction percentage of 77.84%, followed by T1 (P. fluorescens + colostrum) with 68.16%. However, it did not have the same effectiveness for the control of the nematode H. multicintus, for which treatment 3 (Abamectin + Thiamethoxan + colostrum) reported the highest percentage of population reduction efficacy. Conclusion. The colostrum of the pseudostem had a significant influence on the efficacy of the treatments, working as a catcher or bait for the nematodes under study. By attracting the nematodes, the rhizobacteria P. fluorescens and B. subtilis and the chemical molecule Abamectin + Thiamethoxam proved to be more effective than when used individually, thus reflecting the catalytic effect of the colostrum against the treatments. General area of study: Agronomy. Specific study area: Plant Health. Type of study: Original articles.

Juan Kevin Cruz Miranda, Maria Germania Mena Ponce, Abel Andrey Gómez Bermeo, César Ernesto Morán Castro, Colón Eusebio Cruz Romero


Physical-recreational activities for the inclusion of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in physical education

Introduction. Educational inclusion constitutes a process through which it is guaranteed that all students have access to quality education in a safe learning environment. Regularly in educational contexts, students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are not accepted, based on identifying difficulties in adapting to physical education classes, for students who have this disorder. Aim. Design physical-recreational activities for the inclusion of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in the Physical Education of the “José Ingenieros” school. Methodology. A methodology was used with a qualitative, non-experimental, descriptive-explanatory and cross-sectional approach, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods; the methods used were historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and modeling, within the empirical methods observation and documentary analysis were used, accompanied by techniques such as the observation guide and the interview. Results. 1. It was found that teachers do not always use physical activities adapted to work on inclusion in physical education classes 2. It was possible to design 7 physical-recreational activities, whose structure is made up of objectives, materials, development, forms of evaluation and adaptations; 3. Its validity was demonstrated from a theoretical point of view by the criteria of specialists and from practice based on a pedagogical experience which lasted six classes. Conclusions. The proposed system of physical-recreational activities is especially useful in the context of the Physical Education class; contributing favorably to the inclusion process of students who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. General area of ​​study: Education. Specific area of ​​study: Inclusive Physical Education. Study type: Original.

Glenda Elizabeth Aguilar Morocho, Marco Fabián Acosta Carrasco, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Adapted physical activities - gross motor skills: inclusion experience for cases with Down Syndrome

Introduction. Promoting the improvement of gross motor skills in students who have Down Syndrome is essential for their inclusion in the Physical Education class and for their comprehensive development. Aim. Design adapted physical activities aimed at improving gross motor skills and including students with Down Syndrome within the Physical Education class. Methodology. A mixed, pre-experimental approach was followed; supported by theoretical and empirical methods, together with techniques such as observation, interviews, and the Movement movement evaluation battery. The entire process included three stages: diagnosis, design, application - validation. The sample was non-probabilistic of an intentional type with emphasis on a case that presents Down Syndrome, located in the Peekaboo Educational Unit in the city of Guayaquil. Results. The results obtained showed the limitations that the student with Down Syndrome presents in gross motor skills, as well as the lack of adapted physical activities that enable inclusion within the Physical Education class; As a result of this, 8 adapted physical activities were designed, which were initially validated using specialist criteria and after that they were applied for 8 weeks, recognizing their relevance and feasibility. Conclusions. It concludes by pointing out that the proposed adapted physical activities are favorable for the improvement of gross motor skills in students with Down Syndrome, contributing to the inclusion process and their comprehensive development. General study area: Education. Specific study area: Inclusive Physical Education. Study type: original article.

Andrea Nathalie Ibarra Murillo , Ligia Elena Hernández Gilse, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Impact of artificial intelligence on public health

Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated its ability to shape a multitude of transformations, and the educational field is no exception. In the contemporary digital age, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool that is radically transforming teaching and learning methods. Objective: To identify the different artificial intelligences that are used in education and research Methodology: The systematic and bibliometric review is carried out with the purpose of answering specific questions through search methods that are transparent, systematic and susceptible to reproduction. The main objective is to accurately recognize the sources of information in order to reduce any type of bias in the selection procedure Results: Current artificial intelligences cover a wide variety of approaches and applications, each designed to solve specific problems. Among the most notable are generative AIs, such as language models (e.g., ChatGPT), which can create text, images, music and code from data. There are also specialized AIs, such as facial recognition, voice processing and data analysis, which are used in sectors such as health, security and commerce. Conclusion: In the study of the applications of artificial intelligence in different fields of medicine, both clinical and surgical, a trend has been identified towards improving the quality of life of patients, anticipating the treatment of diseases and automating procedures. In order to obtain faster responses for decision-making that impacts health.

Verónica Gabriela López Ullauri, Paul Roberto Pino Falconí, Telmo Marcelo Zambrano Nuñez, Efraín Rodrigo Romero Machado


Educational neurotechnology and its application in the teaching-learning process of the computer science baccalaureate

Introduction: educational neurotechnology, which combines neuroscience and advanced technology, has proven to be a promising tool to optimize the teaching-learning process. In the context of the Baccalaureate in Computer Science, this transformation is particularly important due to the technical and complex nature of the curriculum. Currently, theoretical classes based on memorization and repetition demotivate students, fail to engage them, and negatively affect academic performance. Objectives: the purpose of the research is to analyze how augmented reality and virtual reality technology can be effectively integrated into the teaching-learning process to improve students' motivation and academic performance. Methodology: the focus of this research is mixed, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. An exploratory and descriptive research design is used. The population is made up of students and teachers of the computer science baccalaureate. A representative sample of 1 educational institution that offers a bachelor's degree in computer science is selected. The sample includes 35 students and 4 teachers from the educational institution. Results: the results show that students and teachers reveal a positive perception about the use of neurotechnology. Teachers highlight the potential of these tools to facilitate the teaching of complex concepts and to engage students more effectively. Conclusions: consequently, the importance of adopting technological innovations in education is underlined and suggests that neurotechnology has the potential to positively transform the educational field, providing a solid foundation for future research and practices in the field. General Study Area: Education. Specific study area: Neuroscience, Technology. Type of study: Original article.

Narcisa Giselle Pinzón Murillo, Jennifer Tatiana Polo Mejía, Paulina Mesa Villavicencio


Use of the Carmín Lite APP in learning electromechanics

Introduction: This study examines how this tool can positively impact learning in students of technical training in electromechanics. Methodology: A quasi-experimental quantitative study without a control group was conducted with a sample of 120 automotive electromechanics students. Likert-scale surveys were applied to assess perceptions on five dimensions: interactivity, ease of use, fun, perceived effectiveness, and applicability of the app. The validity and reliability of the instrument were verified through a pilot and the calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.98). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's correlation coefficient, with statistical software, to identify the relationship between the use of the app and the development of electromechanical skills. Objective: The general objective was to know the impact of the Carmín Lite App on the teaching method. Results: The findings showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.823, p < 0.01) between the use of the application and the improvement in students' practical and theoretical skills. Most students perceived the application as interactive and easy to use and reported improvements in understanding concepts (75%) and practical skills (75%). The research also reviewed background and theories on interactive learning, finding that digital tools, such as mobile applications and simulators, are effective for technical education. These results are consistent with previous studies highlighting the effectiveness of digital teaching materials and simulators in improving learning in technical areas. Conclusions: In conclusion, the Carmín Lite APP proves to be a valuable tool for teaching automotive electromechanics, supported by both empirical data and existing literature, and has the potential to significantly improve students' academic performance and practical skills. General study area: Education. Specific study area: Digital Environment Type of article: Original.

Cruz María Vargas Vera, Ángel Vicente Robalino Guevara, Juan Eduardo Anzules Ballesteros, Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz


Aula Lengua program as a technological tool in adaptive learning to improve academic performance in language and literature in second grade students of basic education

Introduction: this study seeks to analyze the impact of the implementation of "Aula Lengua" on students' academic performance, evaluating its effectiveness as a support tool in the development of fundamental linguistic skills. Objectives: the general objective of the research was to evaluate students' perception of the technological tool "Aula Lengua" and its impact on the learning of Language and Literature. The problem addressed was the need to identify the effectiveness of "Aula Lengua" in improving students' academic performance and motivation. Methodology: a quantitative methodology was used with structured surveys applied to a sample of 120 second grade students. The data collection instrument obtained Cronbach’s alpha of 0.93, indicating high reliability. Results: the main result revealed a significant positive correlation between the ease of use of the tool and the overall satisfaction of students (r = 0.854, p < 0.01). Conclusions: the conclusion is that "Aula Lengua" is effective in improving students' motivation and academic performance. It is recommended to continue adjusting the tool to maximize its positive impact in different educational contexts. General study area: Education. Specific study area: Digital Environment. Type of article: Original.

Martha Mariucxi Reyes Pezo, Lissette Liliana Crespín Bohórquez, Juan Eduardo Anzules Ballesteros, Lorena Bodero Arizaga


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